Secure My Church NOW
Secure My Church NOW


Confidential Incident Report
Our incident report page allows you to share the details of your incidents. We will help you assess your response and, with your permission, share the “lessons learned” with other members of the church community. Please note that we will always protect the identity of your church when discussing any incident on this website. Just as we encourage your ministry to adopt a “continuous improvement” posture… Hedge will practice what it preaches! We to will strive to constantly improve this site and the service we provide our members.
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We value your experience and, with your permission, would like to learn from your incident. Please let us know how to handle your incident report.
Description of Incident*
Response to Incident
Please detail how your staff or security team responded to this incident.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload diagrams, maps, charts, images, or documents that you would like to include with your incident report.
Incident Resolution
Please detail how this incident was resolved.
What Did You Learn From This Incident
Please share with the Hedge community how you could have been better prepared or how you could have resolved this incident more effictively.